New Jersey

Resilience System

What if ‘Herd Immunity’ Is Closer Than Scientists Thought?

To achieve so-called herd immunity — the point at which the virus can no longer spread widely because there are not enough vulnerable humans — scientists have suggested that perhaps 70 percent of a given population must be immune, through vaccination or because they survived the infection.

Now some researchers are wrestling with a hopeful possibility. In interviews with The New York Times, more than a dozen scientists said that the threshold is likely to be much lower: just 50 percent, perhaps even less. If that’s true, then it may be possible to turn back the coronavirus more quickly than once thought.

The new estimates result from complicated statistical modeling of the pandemic, and the models have all taken divergent approaches, yielding inconsistent estimates. It is not certain that any community in the world has enough residents now immune to the virus to resist a second wave.

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Cellphone apps designed to track covid-19 spread struggle worldwide amid privacy concerns

OVERVIEW: Faster test results and 'robust' immune response may offer hope of curbing the pandemic, experts say

Coronavirus pandemic now driven by younger adults: WHO

Nursing home cases reported up nearly 80% in COVID-19 rebound

WASHINGTON (AP) — COVID-19 cases in U.S. nursing homes jumped nearly 80% earlier this summer, driven by rampant spread across the South and much of the West, according to an industry report released Monday.

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Australia's Victoria State Reports Lowest Rise in COVID-19 Cases in a Month

New Zealand Postpones Elections As It Scrambles To Contain New Coronavirus Outbreak

South Korea Faces New Spike In COVID-19 After Months Of Low Infection Rates

Universities Scramble to Deal With Virus Outbreaks

Politics slows flow of US virus funds to local public health

As the novel coronavirus began to spread through Minneapolis this spring, Health Commissioner Gretchen Musicant tore up her budget to find funds to combat the crisis. Money for test kits. Money to administer tests. Money to hire contact tracers. And yet even more money for a service that helps tracers communicate with residents in dozens of languages.

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Diagnostic tool: USC scientists identify the order of COVID-19’s symptoms

USC researchers have found what appears to be the likely order in which COVID-19 symptoms first appear: fever, cough and muscle pain, then nausea and/or vomiting, then diarrhea.

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Scientists See Signs of Lasting Immunity to Covid-19, Even After Mild Infections

EDITORIAL: Coronavirus Testing --US needs a national plan--NY Times

Six months into the global coronavirus pandemic, Americans trying to navigate daily life remain trapped between a clear ideal — the country needs to test as many people as possible for the virus, as regularly as possible, for as long as possible — and the reality that there are nowhere near enough tests in the United States to do that.

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Asian cities virus-proof public transit with smart shelters, thermal scanners

RESEARCH PROBLEM: Doctors battling covid-19 rush to treat the ill — but without knowing what really works


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